This site was started on May 30, 2006 and has 76 users
GroupTrak™ Features List


  • Create a profile with your name, address, hometown, phone number, website, relationship status, school. screen name, birthday, interests, hobbies, favorite movies, favorite TV shows, favorite music and an about me section
  • Profile page has a comments section - you can post comments on people's profile. Comes with error checking - if it's your profile, you can delete posts, otherwise you can't.
  • Displays your photo albums, your groups and your friends - and mutual friends if you are viewing someone else's profile
  • Error checking: you can't view someone's profile unless you are in a group with him/her
  • STATUS - update your current status and it will display it on your profile and on your "QuickView" page


  • Create a group with a name and description and then invite any user on the site. It then sends them an email informing them of the invite
  • Group page shows members in random order and also allows you to email everyone by providing an email form with everyone's email addresses.
  • Includes a message board for posting things for your group
  • Has a "message all" feature which will send them all messages (not emails)


  • Inbox highlights in gray the new messages and displays on the homepage and in the navigation bar how many new messages you have
  • Each message includes the picture of the person who it's from, its status (read/unseen), the subject and an abbreviated message
  • Replying to messages shows the message you are replying to as you write back


  • Create photo albums with names and descriptions and they get displayed on your profile. They're only viewable by people you are in a group with
  • Unlimited uploading of photos - upload one at a time and the page shows the last photo you uploaded
  • Enter captions for pictures either right when you upload them or anytime you, the owner, view them
  • Browse photos easily by clicking "next" or "previous" or just clicking the picture
  • Post comments on friends' photos and it will email them letting them know about it


  • Create events with a name, date, location and description
  • Invite any user on the site by clicking his/her name. Site then sends him/her an email and grays out the name so you know he/she's already been invited
  • Events and event invites show up on your homepage to let you know what's coming up
  • When viewing an event, you can see all its info along with who started the event, who was invited, who has replied yet and who hasn't


  • Change your name, email and/or password
  • Privacy Settings allow emails or not, display email address or not on your profile
  • COLOR SCHEME - currently offers 4 different color schemes for the site - pick your own


  • Displays any user you are in a group with, in order of when they last updated their profile


  • Shows all the members of the group you set as your default group
  • Displays only their name and status, so you can quickly view what people are up to
  • Includes code to convert date into "3 days ago" or "6 minutes ago"


  • Homepage tells you upcoming birthdays
  • VERBING - you can "verb" a user, which is simply sending him/her something that reads "You have been __________" by so-and-so" - fill in the blank with your verb choice (**VOTED FAVORITE FEATURE BY 66 users)
  • Includes a stats page where you can see all the users, all the photo albums, all the messages and all the verbs, if you are the administrator of GroupTrak


If you want to learn more, please email